documenting the 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, USA.”

This evidence shows that the US has had Alei’s technology for a long, long time, but they are keeping it top secret. The most secret space missions to other planets might be silly so far.


These missions could invade the Aleis area of the other planets, so they would come to invade and occupy planet Earth in the same way. This could be the top secret reason for rushing to explore the planet Mars for samples as a new colony for humans. career in the future. I think about what


""image"" I think it’s not bad because I analyze all the space missions and all the arrival of UFOs around the world today. I believe many Aleip groups are coming to Earth with colonial spaceships. That is why many countries are trying to occupy Mars and Mars today.


""image"" Think and make the decision yourselves that what I said is true or not.

Good luck to you all! Ha ha ha ! ! !


""image"" Back in the 1960s, I saw some evidence that there are basic things and that they are being built on the dark side of the mood and there were other people who looked for this evidence with me in LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, so the government of the The United States cannot tell us everything. at all, with my big mouth, I could be in trouble, so what else is good?

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