Loyal and devoted dog: The loyal dog does everything he can to protect his owner in the middle of the road and not let anyone get close.

A loyal dog prevented angry motorists and police from waking up its drunk owner who was sleeping off a hangover in the middle of the street.

In the footage, filmed in Colombia, the pooch lies on top of the man and barks at anyone who comes near him.

Bark off! The loyal dog prevented angry motorists and police from waking up its drunk owner who was sleeping off a hangover in the middle of the street

The golden-coloured mutt licks its owners face and paces around his body in a circle to try protect him.

Bark off! The loyal dog prevented angry motorists and police from waking up its drunk owner who was sleeping off a hangover in the middle of the street

Hair of the dog: In the footage, filmed in Colombia, the pooch lies on top of the drunk man and barks at anyone who comes near him

Hair of the dog: In the footage, filmed in Colombia, the pooch lies on top of the drunk man and barks at anyone who comes near him

As one onlooker tries to shake the man and wake him up, the animal springs into action and barks at him until he backs away.

Seconds later a policeman approaches to deal with the disturbance, but finds that the protective pooch will not let him anywhere near its drunk owner.

Dog nap: The pooch licks its owners face and paces around his body in a circle to try protect him while he sleeps 

It nuzzles into the man’s face, lovingly trying to wake him up, while the cop attempts to get closer.

Dog nap: The pooch licks its owners face and paces around his body in a circle to try protect him while he sleeps

Canine companion: A policeman tries to tap the drunk man with a stick but finds the protective pooch will not let him anywhere near its owner

The guard dog barks at the approaching policeman while a resident informs the officer: ‘The guy is drunk.’

Canine companion: A policeman tries to tap the drunk man with a stick but finds the protective pooch will not let him anywhere near its owner

The dog sits by its owners face, closely watching the crowd of onlookers.

When the policeman tries to gently shake the dozing drunk, the dog springs up and nips at his outstretched hand.

Let him be! Eventually, the owner wakes up from his drunken slumber and the officer helps him up

Nice spot for a snooze: The video was recorded by onlookers and shared on social media where it amassed 650,000 views in 24 hours

Eventually, the owner begins to stir and someone craftily removes the bike helmet he was sleeping in while the dog was distracted with the officer.

Nice spot for a snooze: The video was recorded by onlookers and shared on social media where it amassed 650,000 views in 24 hours

The owner wearily lifts his head and gives his beloved pooch a loving pat before getting a ticking off from the cop.

The video was recorded by onlookers and shared on social media where it amassed 650,000 views in 24 hours.

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